
SalaryPackagingPLUS has been appointed your new salary packaging provider from 1 April 2023. It’s an exciting time and we look forward to making the transition from your current provider as smooth as possible.

Below is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) containing the information you need about the transition.

If you are an employee of NSW Health please click here for NSW Health FAQs

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What do I need to do?

If you are currently salary packaging, there is nothing to do. Your salary deductions and benefits will continue unchanged from 1 April 2023.

Where will my salary deductions be paid to?

Your deductions will be paid to the same bank account as they are currently.

What if my personal or banking details have changed?

In March, we will issue instructions on how you can update your personal or banking details before 1 April 2023.

What if I’d like to adjust my salary packaging benefits?

Any adjustments to your current salary packaging benefits to be paid before 1 April 2023 should be directed to your current salary packaging provider.

To make changes effective from 1 April 2023, you can book a call request with a SalaryPackagingPLUS consultant.

I’m a new employee and want to start salary packaging – what do I do?

For applications before 6 March 2023, you can contact your current salary packaging provider. For applications after 6 March 2023, book a call request with a SalaryPackagingPLUS consultant.

I have just applied to salary package and I’m unsure if I have been set up with the existing provider?

Up until 5 March 2023 if you complete a salary packaging application with the existing provider and have not received confirmation that it has been set up, you must contact the provider.

For unresolved applications after 6 March 2023, contact SalaryPackagingPLUS so we can ensure you are set up for salary packaging from 1 April 2023.

What happens to my Living Expenses or Meal Entertainment Card/s?

No change. Salary packaging card information will be transferred to SalaryPackagingPLUS. Your salary deduction/s will be loaded onto the card/s as before, ready for you to spend.

I am about to submit my meal entertainment receipts for the new FBT year starting 1 April 2023. What should I do?

Please hold on to these for now. They can be submitted to SalaryPackagingPLUS from 1 April 2023.

How can I check my salary packaging arrangements after the transition?

During March, you will be emailed login details to MySalPack to check your account. This is your online portal and phone app that enables you to manage your salary packaging arrangements. You can view your balances, claim meal entertainment, submit evidence requirements, and much more.

What will happen to my novated lease?

If you have a novated lease, it will continue to be managed by your existing novated lease provider, with the deductions administered by SalaryPackagingPLUS from 1st April 2023. Your novated lease account, including fuel cards, will continue to be managed by your existing provider.

What if I have further questions about salary packaging?

If you would like more information about salary packaging from 1 April 2023, book a call request with a SalaryPackagingPLUS consultant.

What should I do if I have claims to submit (non-meal entertainment)?

Please submit your claims to your current salary packaging administrator before 28 February 2025 to ensure they are processed before the end of the FBT year (31 March 2025).

To contact SalaryPackagingPLUS

Call: 1300 408 046 Email: [email protected]