Start saving in 4 easy steps

Start saving in 4 easy steps

4 easy steps to start your journey

It's easy as 1-2-3-4
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Save with the LeasePLUS way


We make your life easy

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    We can negotiate your new car purchase

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    One easy payment to cover your lease repayments and running costs

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    Budget management over the life of your lease

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    Access to fuel cards for your convinience

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    Payments can be made on your behalf, or reimbursed to you for out-of-pocket expenses


Enjoy upfront, and ongoing savings

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    Access to fleet discounts on the purchase of your next car

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    Access to fleet discounts on your vehicle servicing and maintenance needs

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    Upfront and ongoing GST savings

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    Pre-tax deductions to reduce the amount of income tax you pay


Technology to keep you updated

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    Download the LeasePLUS app to manage your novated lease from anywhere

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    Easily claim expenses and requests payments

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    View our activity, spend, and account balance in real time

Got a special car in mind?

Let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll get back to you with a great offer!