Increase your take-home pay

+ We are 100% Australian-owned, creating 100% local jobs. Real people dedicated to managing salary packaging for real people +

Increase your take-home pay

SalaryPackagingPLUS is committed towards a greener and more sustainable future. Having embraced a paperless workplace by removing faxes and claim submissions via postal mail, we have streamlined our processes to enable you to submit information through our digital channels, including the MySalPack Mobile App and MySalPack Web Portal. Through this, we are proud to be reducing our environmental impact and promoting sustainability.

What is salary packaging?

Salary packaging is an ATO approved method of using concessions available to your employer to reduce the tax you pay. Eligible expenses are ‘packaged’ and paid to you as tax-free salary, reducing your tax bill and potentially increasing your take home pay by thousands each year.

How salary packaging can benefit you


You can take home more pay

You receive some of your salary tax free, so you pay less tax and take home more pay.


It uses expenses you already pay

Mortgage, rent, car and credit card expenses are just some of the things you can use to minimise your tax.


Most of your colleagues are doing it

Over 75% of Australian health service employees are salary packaging. It's a common remuneration practice endorsed by the ATO.

Discover more about salary packaging



Try the calculator to see how much extra take-home pay you’re entitled to.


Salary packaging cards

Salary packaging Mastercard® cards make salary packaging even easier.

Link to more information about Salary packaging cardsLEARN MORE


The answers to all your salary packaging questions.


Why SalaryPackagingPLUS

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